Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The Gelatine Eaters (23 minutes)

In a robotic world, Orkowitzo, a successful soldier, gets depressed by the lack of modern stimuli in an environment of easy living and synthetic pleasures. A fashion resistance movement seduces him, but he cannot stand their brutal methods. He will eventually find his way in the world of divine and sublime.

Monday, October 22, 2007

The Gelatine Eaters (Subtítulos en español)

¡¡¡ Ahora en español, para el mercado mexicano !!!
En un mundo robotizado, Orkowitzo, un militar de éxito, comienza a sentirse deprimido por la falta de estímulos modernos en un entorno de vida fácil y placeres sintéticos. Se verá seducido por un grupo de la Resistencia, aunque no logrará soportar sus métodos brutales. Finalmente encontrará su camino en el mundo de lo divino y lo sublime.

Sunday, October 21, 2007


The Gelatine Eaters has been selected in the Streamingfestival(Holand) and it will be shown between the 25th and 28th of october.The Gelatine Eaters in the streamingfestival
Streaming Festival